So the most common excuse I hear all the time about writing is "I don't have any time to write".
It's amazing how many people will actually say that, and then expect you to feel some form of sympathy/empathy towards them? I don't really know.
Now, I know I'm sort of being a hypocrite here, seeing as I used to use that excuse all the time. But, I am a reformed procrastinator, and now, I know how to use my time efficiently and wisely. Many people will always say they don't have time, and then read you this whole list of everything they had to do that day. Now, that list, whether there are one hundred or ten things on it, does not account for their whole day.
They'll take a one-hour break in the morning, and then a two-hour break at lunch and yada yada yada.
Now, if you actually took the time to assess your time-spendage (that's not a word) abilities, you would realize that you actually have much more time than you realize.
I recently read on, that they have this sort of competition/promotion where participants write 100 words a day. If you think about it, 100 words is not a lot at all. It would probably take you around ten minutes maximum. You procrastinators out there will only need about 30 minutes to complete this task.
In light of this recent find, I have decided to re-vamp my writing tactics completely. Since I have homework and extra-curriculars and God-knows-what-else, my schedule is actually pretty packed. But, from this day forth, I am making a pact to write at least 100 words a day, just like the people at helpfully suggested.
The question is, will you join me?